I have been an ambassador with the Embassy of Heaven for a little over a year. Twelve hours after I first put on Heaven license plates, I was stopped. Three police cars were at the scene. No citations were issued. Prior to this stop, I accompanied Glen Stoll in a Heaven vehicle to Fort Lewis army base. We were interrogated for five hours and then cited and released. Those people desperately need to hear more about the Kingdom of Heaven.
The day federal marshals stormed the Embassy, I was working in the campgrounds. I came down the trail and introduced myself to a federal marshal. He immediately arrested me on charges stemming from the Fort Lewis incident. This was the beginning of a 29-day ordeal. I was incarcerated in five jails in two States and in five different counties. They hauled me to court six times. I said basically the same thing to every judge: "My name is Michael Peter Stevens. I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jurisdiction denied. My status is a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. I am not married to world government and I am not a United States citizen. This court has no authority to proceed. If you have a complaint, you need to file it with my Embassy and, if necessary, they will hold a hearing." I always told them I forgave them their trespasses against me. I did not build a defense or enter into their proceedings.
In Pierce County Jail, they put me in "the hole" for five days. It is an old jail and the temperature was only about 55 degrees. I was really struggling because it was so cold and I had been fasting for twelve days. I kept praying for the Lord to deliver me. The cell was filthy and the walls had graffiti scribbled over every inch. As I was reading the walls, I noticed in tiny letters, "Jesus is here." I was immediately encouraged.
On day fifteen, I was transported to Kitsap County Jail, Port Orchard, Washington. This jail was warmer and I had my first shower. On day 20, I was hauled to court. I was praying that the Lord would deliver me.
I was able to see some friends and the desire to be released was very strong. One friend, who knows the Word well, but does not quite understand the Kingdom of Heaven, came over to me. He was being used by the adversary to manipulate me into signing for my release. It was very tempting, but the Holy Spirit said, "No."
I was shocked when the judge ordered a trial date two months away and told me I would be detained because I refused to provide them with information. Now the pressure was really great. My well-meaning friend renewed his efforts to persuade me to change my mind and sign their agreement. I just about compromised, but God is faithful. I almost fell, but the Lord was able to make me stand.
I went back to the cell and the full impact of what the judge said hit me. I had been fasting twenty days. "There is no way a man can fast eighty days without dying here," I thought. I decided I would start eating. I had a meal that evening and breakfast the next morning.
Then I began to realize the judge had tricked me. I had listened to men and succumbed to my flesh, instead of seeking the Lord's counsel. I began searching the scriptures and realized my error. I resumed fasting at noon. I knew I must lay my life down and let the Lord raise it again, if He desires. I began to contemplate the reality of going home to my Father, if that be His deliverance. The fast was easier now and I felt Christ's peace. Those around me, both inmates and jailers, realized that I was willing to die for my faith. This made an impression on them and lives were changing.
Napoleon speaking of Christ:
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded
empires; But upon what do these creations of our genius
depend? UPON FORCE. Jesus alone founded his empire upon LOVE;
and to this very day millions would die for Him.
On the outside, about a dozen brothers gathered in front of the Kitsap County Jail to show support for the stand I was making. They carried a coffin and signs saying, "Faithful Until Death." As the rally was taking place, I was quietly removed from the jail and taken to King County Jail. Again, I denied the court jurisdiction and asked, "Who are you to judge someone else's servant?" When the issue of counsel arose, I said, "I have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, and He will handle my affairs."
The judge said I had unusual beliefs and the circumstances were unusual. He thought I had been in jail long enough. "We do not need any martyrs over these charges." Then the judge ordered me to appear for trial and I was released without signing or agreeing to anything.
I learned that they try to trick you into signing their forms - waivers, data sheets, indigent reports, release agreements, health questionnaires, etc. Remember, you have to believe in their system to pick up their documents - so just push their documents away. Don't acknowledge them. They will also attempt to persuade you to build a defense. But if you do, then they gain jurisdiction because you are participating with them. Just stay close to the Lord and He will direct you. Count the cost. Whatever you decide to do from the beginning, continue until the end, even if it means death. I was sorely tempted, but Glory to God, He saw me through. +++
Jail Preparedness Check List